You have picked out the shower type, the bathroom sink, the bathroom and shower tiles, as well as the toilet type and you think you have got it all covered. Wrong! You still have the task of selecting the most appropriate drain for the shower. BullRun Kitchen and Bath is here to assist you in selecting the best drain for your shower that completely reflects your style and renovation needs.

  1. Linear drains – this is perhaps one of the best drains available in the North American market. It has a narrow profile and acts as the primary shower drain. It is important to select your preferred tile first before installing this type of drain. The most common type of linear drains being requested by homeowners are the tile-top linear drains. If you do select the tile top linear drain, ensure that you clean it regularly to maintain the flow at optimum levels.
  2. Ready-made fiberglass or marble shower bases – these are ready made customized shower pans that help decrease the cost and time of having to customize one yourself. These shower drains can also drastically reduce the time it takes for your contractor to tile the shower, which increases his turnaround times. Such shower bases are also suitable if you use strong cleaning agents or you are concerned about the effect local water would have on your shower floor. Ensure you flood test the custom ready-made shower pan to see if it works well with your home’s waste management system.
  3. Traditional Point Drains – these drains also go by grate drains, clamping ring drains, point drains, and standard drains. The plumbing and building codes in your area will dictate the drain line sizes. If you are in doubt as to the regulations in your area, simply install a large drain that is capable of keeping up with your shower’s flow rate.
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